National TAFE photography competition

North Metropolitan TAFE student Samin Zare has been named the winner of the 2024 TAFE national photography competition.
Samin’s winning entry was titled Enjoyable Time (pictured above) and wins $5,000, as well as having their work published in the Australian TAFE Teacher magazine.
The winner was announced in Canberra at a special event to coincide with National TAFE Day on 10 September, attended by the state and territory finalists from the competition.
All finalists were awarded $1,000 and will have their work displayed in Canberra at an exhibition.
The WA runner-up was Paula Blackett from North Metropolitan TAFE for The Abyss of Learning.
Other honourable mentions from WA were Marinna Musca (North Metropolitan TAFE), Photography students; Mark Jason Yebes (North Metropolitan TAFE), Take me to the library; and Sidney Osabofu (North Metropolitan TAFE), Painter at Work.
Congratulations to Samin and all the WA entrants.
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