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Call for nominations
Election of members to SSTUWA committees and delegates to UnionsWA at November 2023 State Council
Nominations for positions on the following SSTUWA Committees and delegates to UnionsWA are now open:
(a) UnionsWA Council (1 year term)
Fifteen (15) Delegates to be elected plus the President and General Secretary who are automatic ex-officio members.
(b) Education Committee (2 year term)
Nine (9) Committee members to be elected. If fewer than nine nominations are received the Executive will appoint additional members to bring the total elected or appointed to nine.
(c) Dispute Resolution Committee (1 year term)
Twelve (12) Committee members are required to form the basis of the Dispute Resolution Committee from which three members’ names will be drawn by lot to form the Committee as and when required. No member of the Executive may nominate.
Nominations open: 9.00am 31 July 2023
Nominations close: 12 Noon Friday 22 September 2023
Nominations must be in the hands of the Returning Officer by 12 Noon Friday 22 September 2023.
Should more nominations than vacancies be received, a draw for ballot positions will occur at 12 noon, 25 September 2023 at the Union Office, 1 West St. West Perth WA 6005. Nominees or scrutineers wishing to attend must give the Returning Officer 24 hours notice.
If a ballot is necessary, State Council members will vote on Saturday 11 November 2023 between 8.00am and 8.45am during the 2023 State Council meeting.
All nominees must be financial members of the Union and must be proposed and seconded by financial members. Nominees must sign their acceptance of nomination and date their nomination form or letter.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here.
All names must be supported by Union identification numbers (ID), written clearly, and show worksite. Gender and preferred name for ballot paper should be shown by nominee.
Facsimile nominations are acceptable, provided originals are forwarded without delay as confirmation.
Ian Stringall, SSTUWA Returning Officer, 31 July 2023
About the committees
UnionsWA Council
UnionsWA Council is the supreme decision making body for the WA trade union movement. It meets monthly with delegates from all affiliated unions. The forum for the meetings offers an opportunity to exchange information, debate and consider union and community issues and campaigns and to educate union delegates on current issues.
Education Committee
The SSTUWA Education Committee focuses on education-related issues at state, national and international levels. The committee reviews and revises relevant union policy; assist in the formulation of position papers; assists in the planning and organisation of seminars, conferences and other membership activities; monitors government and employer actions under relevant legislation; evaluates SSTUWA rules, policies and other positions as examples of best practice; considers and make recommendations on matters referred by the Administrative Committee and Executive; and makes recommendations to Executive on matters considered by the committee.
Dispute Resolution Committee
The SSTUWA Dispute Resolution Committee considers and makes recommendations to Executive in relation to any charges under SSTUWA rule 11 - Breach of Rules, or any dispute a member may have concerning the application or interpretation of an SSTUWA rule or the registration of a proposed rule. Refer to SSTUWA rule 12 for full details.
Find the nomination form here.