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TAFE Agreement in Principle reached

25 July 2024

The SSTUWA has received a second offer from the Department of Training and Workforce Development in regard to the 2023 General Agreement (TAFE Lecturers).

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Statement on regional education strategy

22 July 2024

The State School Teachers’ Union of WA has welcomed full and proper consultation on any new regional education strategy.

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SSTUWA Ballot Closes

4 July 2024

The ballot for the Agreement in Principle 2023 (Schools) closed at 4pm on Thursday 4 July.

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Survey shows majority of TAFE teachers could quit

21 June 2024

TAFE teachers have begun taking industrial action, with bans on entering student results, answering internal emails and attending meetings.

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AEU: Education ministers must deliver full funding of public schools

30 April 2024

Education Ministers meeting in Perth today must make real progress on public school funding with new research revealing the urgent need for the additional investment to lift results and combat debilitating teacher shortages and declining student and teacher wellbeing.

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News archive 2023

Essential service pay decline must stop

15 August 2023

Key WA public sector unions in the education, health, community safety, service and other fields at a mass meeting of elected workplace representatives, last night co-signed a formal alliance agreement. That agreement will guide joint negotiation and related action seeking to reverse the real decline in public sector workforce pay since 2017 as the State Government reviews its State Wages Policy in the latter part of 2023.

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New campaign for full funding of public schools

2 August 2023

The Australian Education Union is launching a national campaign today outside Parliament House in Canberra to secure the full funding of public schools. The For Every Child campaign aims to secure full funding by 2028 to allow public schools to reduce class sizes, increase the one-on-one support for students and provide more time and classroom assistance for teachers.

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WA State of our Schools Survey 2023 - A4 poster

1 August 2023

WA State of our Schools Survey 2023

1 August 2023

The results of this survey will feed into the current review into public education and be used as evidence to support negotiations for the 2023 General Agreement and our calls for increased funding.

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1 August 2023

News archive 2022

Celebrating Public Education Day

26 May 2022

On Public Education Day, Thursday 26 May, the AEU acknowledges the outstanding commitment of principals, teachers and education support staff working across preschools, schools and TAFE in Australia.

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AEU welcomes new federal Labor government

22 May 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed the incoming Albanese Labor Government. Federal President Correna Haythorpe said the AEU was looking forward to working with Prime Minister elect Anthony Albanese and the new Labor Government to address the Coalition Government’s decade of public education neglect.

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Morrison's budget a deplorable failure for public education

29 March 2022

The Morrison Government has once again failed public school, preschool and TAFE staff, students and parents across the nation with this year's Federal Budget.

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TAFE is the solution to nation's skills woes

24 March 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed a new report by economist Alison Pennington and the Centre for Future Work, titled Fragmentation and Photo Ops: The Failures of Australia’s Skills Policy Through COVID.

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Labor's consent education plan a meaningful commitment towards violence prevention

8 March 2022

The Australian Education Union has welcomed Federal Labor’s commitment to invest $77m for teaching consent education in Australian schools on International Women’s Day.

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News archive 2021

AEU rejects any expansion of school chaplains

2 September 2021

The Australian Education Union would fiercely reject any expansion of the school chaplaincy program, Federal President Correna Haythorpe has warned.

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Avoid simplistic conclusions from 2021 NAPLAN

25 August 2021

Political leaders should avoid drawing simplistic conclusions from the NAPLAN results released today, according to the Australian Education Union.

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Workers' wages are going backwards

18 August 2021

Workers’ wages in Australia are more than remaining dismally stagnant – they are in fact going backwards in real terms. The latest Wage Price Index data released today shows that real wages have fallen by 2.1% over the last 12 months. In this quarter, wages growth has been only 0.4%, while inflation in Australia has increased to 3.8%.

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