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Articles from Western Teacher
14 September 2023
Key WA public sector unions in the education, health, community safety, service and other fields have co-signed a formal agreement to campaign for wage rises at a recent mass meeting of elected workplace representatives.
13 September 2023
The release of the 2023 NAPLAN results, showing significant numbers of students across Australia require additional support in literacy and numeracy, reinforces the need for full funding of public schools.
13 September 2023
A new national campaign to secure full funding for public schools has been launched in WA as new evidence shows the importance of the additional investment.
13 September 2023
WA State of our Schools survey respondents who are currently teaching, or have taught, in regional areas have identified several issues for those working in the country.
13 September 2023
Teachers are overwhelmingly supporting smaller class sizes as many of them contemplate leaving the profession due to issues such as increased workload, burnout and a lack of respect for the teaching profession, according to a new survey conducted by the SSTUWA.
9 August 2023
How can unions engage in a genuine renewal process and build union power to address union members’ needs in a fast-changing political environment?
9 August 2023
On Thursday 21 September we are asking members to participate in the SSTUWA for Yes Sticker Day to build awareness of the Unions for Yes campaign, to support recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the Constitution through a Voice.
9 August 2023
Every year thousands of schools, community organisations, universities and workplaces hold events across Australia for Wear it Purple Day.
9 August 2023
The SSTUWA has welcomed Education Minister Tony Buti’s new 10-point plan to tackle school violence.
8 August 2023
Official figures have revealed Western Australian public schools are being underfunded by $31 million, with the shortfall rising to an incredible $374 million by the end of the decade.
19 June 2023
Australia is home to the oldest continuous culture in the world and a country whose vibrant and multicultural diversity is ever increasing.
19 June 2023
The cold fact is that despite continuous reforms and growing investments over the past two decades, educational performance – and especially equitable performance – of Australia’s schools isn’t improving. Indeed, in many ways it is getting worse.
19 May 2023
In March, Federal Education Minister Jason Clare announced an expert panel to advise on “key targets and specific reforms” that should be tied to funding in the next National School Reform Agreement (NSRA). The panel, chaired by the Australian Education...
19 May 2023
In a major speech earlier this month, Federal Health Minister Mark Butler said vaping had become “the number one behavioural issue in high schools”. The government has proposed a suite of reforms aimed at reducing vaping. But what does the evidence show about...
19 May 2023
Your child comes home from school and tells you three classmates are teasing her constantly. One even put chewed gum in her hair as she was listening to the teacher. The other two smiled, laughed and whooped.
Hearing this, you understand your child is being...
18 May 2023
Recent anti-LGBTIQ+ propaganda at rallies across Australia has emphasised what still needs to be done to protect our LGBTIQ+ community. You would have thought that this sort of behaviour was in the past and if news headlines from the USA was anything...
18 May 2023
Each year, elected women delegates from around the country attend the AEU Federal Women’s Conference. This is a fantastic opportunity for women members to hear from a range of guest speakers, become more aware of professional and industrial matters...
18 May 2023
Education International (EI) General Secretary David Edwards has raised the alarm on the growing global teacher shortage and called for increased public education funding in his speech at the launch event of a new global education campaign from EI’s new global...
18 May 2023
President Matt Jarman has led an SSTUWA delegation to honour people killed in workplace accidents. The event was held at Solidarity Park near Parliament House on Friday 28 April, which was World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers’ Memorial Day.
18 May 2023
Through the release of the 2023-24 state budget earlier this month, the McGowan Government claims a total of $6.4 billion has been allocated to school education in 2023-24, an increase of $532 million. Public education funding will continue to increase over the...